Skladovacie technológie KBS Pick by Light Regalsystem

Skladovacie technológie KBS Pick by Light Regalsystem
Skladovacie technológie KBS Pick by Light Regalsystem
Číslo výrobku
Model / typ
Pick by Light Regalsystem
Rok výroby
Položka je k dispozícii od
Stav položky
Nemecko, 48739 Legden
Náklady na demontáž a nakládku (záväzné)
400.00 €
Náklady na dopravu
Podmienky doručenia
FCA Legden, naložené do kamiónu
Platobné podmienky
vyplatenie plnej sumy pred vyzdvihnutím
približné rozmery zostavy (d x š x v)
Približná hmotnosť
1 kg
  • 750 x PTF-S display module
  • 8 x Controller/interface between control computer and compartment displays
  • 1 x Wireless 2D hand-held scanner with base station
  • System licence - KBS Device Manager control software for paperless order pickingpicking with the following basic functionality
- Display, diagnostic and maintenance functions
- Zone management
- Conversion of logical to physical coordinates
- Quantity correction
- Zero crossing control for inventory function
- Basic software without inventory management
- Communication via TCP/IP sockets
- with web interface

- Shelf length complete 19 m (3 further units without picture á 1.1 m)
- Shelf height 2.65 m
- Shelf depth 1.15 m

Shelf height at bottom: approx. 1.4 m
Top shelf height: approx. 0.9 m
Small part compartment height in the first three shelves approx. 1,040 mm + approx. 250 mm
For the 3 stored shelving units approx. 2,500 mm (20 compartments per shelf, therefore 60 compartments in total)
Running meters of conductor rail into which the signal lamps are clipped:
Approx. 43 running meters. (currently installed 2x approx. 19,000 mm and 1x approx. 1,600 mm, for the stored shelves the arrangement is vertical (10 LEDs) therefore 6x approx. 550 mm) Zobraziť preklad
Automatický preklad
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5 sledujúci
Skladovacie technológie KBS Pick by Light Regalsystem
na vyžiadanie
Naše služby
  • Služba demontáže a opätovnej montáže
  • Celosvetová logistická sieť
  • Individuálne poradenstvo
  • Podpora pri vybavovaní dokladov a colnom konaní