Skladiščenje KBS Pick by Light Regalsystem

Skladiščenje KBS Pick by Light Regalsystem
Skladiščenje KBS Pick by Light Regalsystem
Številka izdelka
Model / Vrsta
Pick by Light Regalsystem
Leto izdelave
Izdelek na voljo od
Kakovost izdelka
Nemčija, 48739 Legden
Cena demontiranja in nalaganja (binding)
400.00 €
Cena prevoza
ne vsebuje
Pogoji dostave
FCA Legden, naloženo na dostavno vozilo
Pogoji plačila
100% plačilo pred prevzemom
približne mere postavitve (d x š x v)
ni znano
Približna teža
1 kg
  • 750 x PTF-S display module
  • 8 x Controller/interface between control computer and compartment displays
  • 1 x Wireless 2D hand-held scanner with base station
  • System licence - KBS Device Manager control software for paperless order pickingpicking with the following basic functionality
- Display, diagnostic and maintenance functions
- Zone management
- Conversion of logical to physical coordinates
- Quantity correction
- Zero crossing control for inventory function
- Basic software without inventory management
- Communication via TCP/IP sockets
- with web interface

- Shelf length complete 19 m (3 further units without picture á 1.1 m)
- Shelf height 2.65 m
- Shelf depth 1.15 m

Shelf height at bottom: approx. 1.4 m
Top shelf height: approx. 0.9 m
Small part compartment height in the first three shelves approx. 1,040 mm + approx. 250 mm
For the 3 stored shelving units approx. 2,500 mm (20 compartments per shelf, therefore 60 compartments in total)
Running meters of conductor rail into which the signal lamps are clipped:
Approx. 43 running meters. (currently installed 2x approx. 19,000 mm and 1x approx. 1,600 mm, for the stored shelves the arrangement is vertical (10 LEDs) therefore 6x approx. 550 mm) Prikaz prevoda
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5 opazovalcev
Skladiščenje KBS Pick by Light Regalsystem
na povpraševanje
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Naše storitve
  • Storitve demontaže in ponovne montaže
  • Svetovna logistična mreža
  • Individualno svetovanje
  • Pomoč pri urejanju papirjev in carine